
What the Bible Teaches about the Trinity Paperback – August 1, 2011 by Stuart Olyott (Author)

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Format: Paperback

The Trinity is an essential part of the gospel message. While it is difficult to understand and articulate and there are no lengthy Bible chapters devoted to explaining it, the truth remains that the heart of the gospel would be gone without the Trinity. Because of that, it is essential for the Christian to defend the Trinity. That is what this book attempts to do. The author spends a large portion of the book writing about who God is and logically arguing from Scripture for why God is One, the Father is God, Jesus is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. If these four things can be proved from Scripture, then the doctrine of the Trinity can be defended.

The author does not stop there but continues with an overall defense of the doctrine of the Trinity after defending each part of the Godhead. But even after all the scripture and arguments he presented, Olyott makes the important statement that the Trinity is without analogy; it cannot be fully understood but it is to be believed. I own the older edition entitled “The Three are One” while this is the new edition. This book is rooted firmly in Scripture and I highly recommend it to be read by all people that either profess belief in the Trinity or are interested in learning more about it.

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Do you have problems understanding what the Bible teaches about the Trinity? In this brief book, written in straightforward language and intended for the ordinary reader, Stuart Olyott shows that what we call the ‘doctrine of the Trinity’ is plainly taught in the Bible, and that it is foundational for a true understanding of the Christian gospel. The errors of the modern cults are dealt with along the way. However, its main purpose is to lead people to a better understanding of what God has revealed about himself. The author hopes that this book will act as a kind of ‘primer’, making the reader want to learn more on the subject of the Trinity. He himself says that ‘it is intended simply to help you to the most basic teaching concerning the Trinity’. Appendix 1 highlights what the Nicene Creed (A.D.325) says about the Trinity. Appendix 2 gives some helps on what to read so as to better one’s knowledge of Christian doctrine. Stuart Olyott is currently Pastoral Director for the Evangelical Movement of Wales. He is also on the Council of Reference of the Biblical Creation Society. He has previously held pastorates in London, Liverpool and Lausanne. He is the author of The gospel as it really is; Alive in Christ; and A life worth living (all in the Welwyn Commentary Series); Preaching pure and simple; and Jesus is both God and man.