

Original price was: $13.00.Current price is: $9.00.

Looking at the size of this book, someone might pick it up thinking it was full of prophetic ideas for the future of “our uncertain times”. However, the first half of this book is devoted to clearly explaining Old Testament prophecy and exactly when it became fulfilled. It’s not until the book is halfway finished that it starts to deal with current events. Mark does this as an attempt to prove the validity of the Bible, and how the prophecies in Daniel and other books came true literally. With that being the case, he then begins to tackle the unfulfilled prophecies of the Bible and how they should also be taken literally (since the fulfilled prophecies were so). There is a lot of historical information in the first half of the book, but it’s hard to argue with the claims when they are so clearly spelled out.

When tackling current events, I was pleasantly surprised with how current this book really was. It deals with things as recent as December 2009, which isn’t bad for a book that came out four months later. It would seem Mark’s publisher really put this book on the fast track for printing, and I appreciate that. Mark’s earlier book “The Late Great United States” was a good read, but was outdated by the time it came out due to the changing times.

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With over 500,000 Bible prophecy books sold, Mark Hitchcock is fast becoming one of the most popular and widely trusted voices on this topic. The Amazing Claims of Bible Prophecy is his newest release.

This book takes a fascinating look at one of the most important aspects of Bible prophecy: It confirms the divine origin and complete reliability of God’s Word. Only God–who is all-knowing–can tell what lies ahead with 100 percent accuracy.

  • Readers will examine ten past prophecies and their astounding fulfillments, all of which serve as profound evidence for both unbelievers and believers that God’s Word can be trusted.
  • Readers will also explore ten future prophecies and see how today’s events foreshadow the fact Earth’s final hour is near.

This resource will encourage believers toward a deeper confidence in the Word and equip them with a powerful defense against those who question the Bible’s truth claims.