The Millennium and Beyond

The Millennium and Beyond

This last section is a brief summary of those prophetic events that come after The
Tribulation. This is an epilogue to the main issue of the book: the distinctions between Israel,
The Church and The Saints of the Tribulation
“The Millennium” means the thousand-year reign of Jesus Christ on the earth. It will
begin when he returns from Heaven as “King of Kings” and “Lord of Lords.” It will be a glorious
time when all of nature will be restored to an environment that is so wonderful that it reminds us
of the conditions that prevailed in the Garden of Eden.

Overview of the Millennium
This is such a big subject that whole books have been written on this topic alone. Here we
will simply outline some of the main teachings of God’s Word about this glorious age.

The Kingdom was PROMISED to the patriarchs
Abraham was given a promise by God that he would make Abraham‘s descendants a
great nation and give to them the land of Canaan. He was also told that through his offspring all
nations of the earth would be blessed (Genesis 12:1-3; 13:14-18; 22:15-18).
The Abrahamic Covenant was reconfirmed to Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 26:3-4, 23-24;
David was told by God that his offspring would be given an eternal throne (2 Samuel 7:8-
17, 24, 29; 1 Chronicles 17:7-15).

The Kingdom was ESTABLISHED by Jesus
John the Baptist announced that the Kingdom of God was near (Mark 1:15).
The Kingdom exists now and is in abeyance at the present. The Kingdom does exist, but
it has not yet “come to earth” as Jesus taught us to pray (Matthew 6:10). That will not happen
until He returns in power and great glory as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. (Revelation
Jesus taught much about the Kingdom of Heaven. It was the theme of his preaching
(Matthew 4:17). The Sermon on the Mount explained the principles of the Kingdom (Matthew
chapters 5-7). His parables were given to explain various aspects of the Kingdom (Matthew
chapter 13). He related his teaching about future things (The Olivet Discourse) to the Kingdom
(Matthew chapters 24-25). And he stated during his trial that his Kingdom was “not of this
world” (John 18:36-38; 19:19).


The Kingdom will be DEMONSTRATED during the Millennium
The Millennium will usher in the beginning of the physical reign of Christ (Revelation
The Kingdom will be fully DEVELOPED in the New Heaven/New Earth
The eternal Kingdom will be established when God creates a New Heaven and a New
Earth (Revelation chapters 21-22).
Previews of the Millennium from the Old Testament
In contrast to the brief description of Revelation 20, the Old Testament has many lengthy
passages, which describe details of the Millennium, and of the time beyond, when there will be a
new heaven and a new earth. We will now turn our attention to some of these Old Testament