The Bilderberg Group – 1954

The Bilderberg Group – 1954

The Bilderberg Group was established in 1954 in The Netherlands. This is a similar
organization to the Council on Foreign Relations. Its annual meeting of about 100 power-elite
members is by invitation only. It does now publish its agenda but the meetings and their plans
are top-secret.
The fact that there is such a meeting of top politicians, military leaders, business moguls,
bankers, and selected representatives of the media is a sure sign that global planning for our
future is underway.

The World Constitution and Parliament Association -1959

The World Constitution and Parliament Association was organized in 1959 in Lakewood,
Colorado. Several sessions have been held since 1982. At the third, a Provisional World
Presidium and World Cabinet were appointed to serve as the equivalent of an executive branch
for the emerging world government. This organization‘s top figures are closely allied and
interlocked with leaders from many other ―one-world‖/interfaith groups such as the World
Federalist Association, World Union, Greenpeace, and the World Council of Churches.

New Age Spirituality – 1960’s

While the structure for a one-world government has been growing, there has been a
parallel spiritual development that could be the vehicle for a one-world religion. It is the New
Age Movement, sometimes simply called ―New Age‖ or ―New Age Spirituality.‖
New Age is an individual approach to the blending of various beliefs and practices from
the occult, astrology, paganism, pantheism, holistic health, metaphysics, Eastern meditation and
bits and pieces of all major religions.
It seemed to be a new thing in the 1960‘s when the concept was co-opted by the
counterculture. It actually had roots in the thinking of a number of popular writers in the 1800‘s
and early 1900‘s, including Helena Blavatsky, H. G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, William
Butler Yeats and Edgar Cayce. Gary Kah notes that Alice Bailey, a writer from the Theosophical
Society, “was probably the most instrumental in developing the infrastructure and presenting the
strategies of today’s New Age movement.”37 She founded Lucis Trust and Lucifer Publishing
Company in 1922.38
New Age thought reached the masses in the 1960‘s and 1970‘s. It was popularized by
the song, ―Aquarius‖ in the theatrical production, ―Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock
Musical.‖ The song proclaimed, “This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.” The mysterious
message was evidently meant to convey the belief by astrologists that the existing Age of Pisces,
which lasted approximately 2,150 years, was beginning to give way to the new Age of Aquarius.
Most proponents of this theory think the Age of Pisces represents the Christian era. The
last two thousand years have obviously been an era of Christian expansion. In addition,
Christianity is symbolized by the fish (Pisces). Persecuted Christians of the First Century used
the symbol to convey their belief to fellow-Christians. The Greek word ichthus became a code
for ―iesus christus theou uios, soter‖ meaning “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior”.
Barbara Curtis, who spent seven years as a former New Age seeker before learning the
truth about Jesus Christ, described New Age this way:
What exactly is the New Age? Impossible to narrow down, the New Age is actually a vast
smorgasbord of beliefs and practices. Each New Ager fills his tray with whatever assortment fits
his appetite. All is liberally seasoned with self-centeredness. It’s really a Have-It-Your-Way
religion – thus its modern appeal.39
Recently the name ―New Age‖ has somewhat gone underground (like the political
expression, ―New World Order‖), but the popularity of the concept has grown exponentially.
One reason for this is the endorsement by Oprah Winfrey of ―A Course in Miracles,‖ which was
originally channeled to the writer of the course from a spirit guide who called himself ―Jesus,‖
but denied that the cross was significant and claimed that there is no sin.40 CNN and Time have
called Oprah ―arguably the most influential woman in the world,‖
41 and many consider her
America‘s spiritual leader.
The 2009 movie ―Avatar‖ broke all previous box-office records. It was rated PG-13, but
intentionally targeted the younger children through McDonald‘s happy meal program. It was a
fascinating production with an interesting story line. However, the underlying message of the
movie was about pantheism (all living things are part of God) and New Age religion. It will
undoubtedly have a profound influence on the cultural drift toward mixing and unifying
Many New Age teachers see a connection between their beliefs and the supposed end of
the Mayan calendar in 2012. They consider that a prime time for the beginning of the ―Age of
Aquarius‖ and the coming of their messiah. See the discussion of Mayan Prophecies and 2012 in
Chapter 1 – What in the World Is Happening?

The Club of Rome – 1968

The Club of Rome, formed in 1968 in the city of Rome seems to be another level of
informal hierarchy for the planning of a one-world government. Their 1973 report entitled
Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System, divides the world into ten
political/economic regions.42
According to its website, the Club of Rome is driven by the participation and efforts of its
membership. Its members come from the scientific, political, business, financial, academic,
religious, cultural and civil society communities.43
One of the stated objectives of this think-tank is to lower the population of the earth by
some two billion people.

Environmental Issues – 1970’s

In December of 1970 The Environmental Protection Agency began operating. In 1992
alone EPA regulations cost taxpayers over $130 billion (over $1000 per family per year).
An international Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro in June of 1992. This event,
sponsored by the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, was the largest
event of its kind in history. One hundred sixty heads of state, including George Bush, attended
this event, which some are calling the launching pad for a quantum leap into the New World
Order and the New Age.”
The continuing emphasis on environmental problems such as global warming, acid rain
and depletion of the ozone layer is part of the long-range strategy to prepare the people of the
globe to accept a universal government.
In spite of the release of controversial e-mails from some climate scientists that global
warming calculations are not accurate, thousands of enthusiastic delegates from all over the
globe met in Copenhagen in 2009 at the United Nations Climate Change Summit to further their
plans to limit carbon emissions and provide up to $150 billion in aid to developing countries to
gain their cooperation. This gathering made another strong argument for the development of a
One-World Government

The Trilateral Commission – 1973

The Trilateral Commission was founded in 1973 in New York. It deals with issues
concerning North America, Western Europe, and Japan. This group was formed by David
Rockefeller. Zbigniew Brzezinski was its first director, and they hand-picked the elite members
of this power team who would evidently influence the choice of leaders and the adoption of
policies that would lead to an eventual global government and economy.

Dissolution of the USSR -1991

The dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 seemed very strange. It looked
“orchestrated” by one-world leaders when Mikhail Gorbachev suddenly allowed major shifts in
soviet policy leading to a bloodless revolution.
Russia is still a major nuclear threat to the world, and recent events in the former Soviet
Union indicate a possible return to Communism.
Russia is still the military champion and source for most of the Islamic world. Their ties
with Iran’s nuclear program have escalated concerns that a great war against Israel, like the one
prophesied in Ezekiel 38 and 39 might be imminent.

The Gulf War -1991

In 1991 Saddam Hussein’s Iraq invaded Kuwait, but was turned back by the US with
some help from the United Nations. After the war, President George Bush Sr., in a nation-wide
address said, “This is an historic moment. We have in the past year made great progress in
ending the long era of the cold war. We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and
for future generations a New World Order, a world where the rule of law, not the law of the
jungle, governs the conduct of the nations. When we are successful, and we will be, we have a
real chance at the New World Order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its
peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN founders.”
We saw this speech on live television. It was unbelievable because this was the first time
we had heard a high official speak of the future in those terms. Now it seems common enough,
but it had really been kept under wraps until that time. It simply wasn’t something we ordinarily
heard. This is their agenda: to have a global economy, a global politic, global education, and a
global religion. They do not know that the future dictator will take over all of that, but this is
exactly what the Bible has prophesied. The Beast will take over this system once it is in place. It
is a sad scenario, but it is great to be on the winning side. As the darkness gets darker, the light
gets brighter. We see that in the polarizing of churches. For example, some are in favor of
accepting homosexuals, others are opposed to it. Never before in our generation have we seen so
many signs of a coming revival. If revival comes to the United States, it will push back this
timetable. And that would be great! Most of us would be glad if Jesus came today, but we would
also be glad if we could win a few million more to Christ!

United Religions Initiative – 2000

United Religions is an organization begun in 1997 with the express goal of forming a
world body of religions patterned after the model of the United Nations.
The URI Charter was signed by more than two-hundred people present, and hundreds
more joining over the Internet, at a ceremony in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA on June 26,
. The heart of this organization is the existence of ―Cooperation Circles‖ that range in size
from a minimum of seven members to tens of thousands, representing at least three faiths or
traditions, including the non-religious, and subscribe to the shared vision outlined in URI‘s
Charter. Each Cooperation Circle seeks to address one or more pressing issues facing their
collective communities, including poverty, religiously motivated violence, environmental
degradation and more. In 2010 they claimed to have 487 Cooperation Circles in 76 Countries.

9/11 Attacks and the War on Terrorism – 2001

The world was changed instantly when Islamic terrorists attacked the World Trade Center
and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. The threat of terrorism became a world-wide issue.
During the following decade the world gradually came to realize that this blight will not go away
until there is peace among the factions in the Middle East. With the rebirth of radical Islamic
belief and practice during the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979, the old conquest mentality of
Islam, which had been dormant for some time, was revived. See ―Chapter 7 – Historical
Developments‖ for more information on this topic. Supposedly only about 10% of Muslims
subscribe to this viewpoint, but the majority is either unable or unwilling to put a stop to it.
Because of the threat of terrorism people have become more willing to allow
governmental surveillance and access to personal information, which can eventually result in
technological control of the type needed to institute a global economic dictatorship and the
“Mark of the Beast.”

The Great Recession – 2008

In 2008 the bottom fell out of real estate, banks and financial institutions became
unstable, and the stock market plummeted. Our confused government tried to fix the problem by
massive spending. The economies of other nations fell too, leaving the world in serious
economic trouble. This resulted in what is generally agreed to be the worst recession since the
Great Depression of the ‗30‘s. In a matter of weeks, untold millions of people all over the world
lost a large percentage of their savings and investments. The economy has begun to recover from
the financial storm, but there are still many problems, and some things about the world have
changed forever. The United States is in a much weaker condition financially, and our current
government evidently plans to lead us into a socialistic way of life.
When Nikita Khrushchev was the leader of the Soviet Union in the 50‘s and ‗60‘s, he
predicted that various countries would fall into the lap of socialism like ―ripe apples.‖ It was
implied that even the United States would someday succumb to this inevitable destiny. At the
time it seemed absurd to nearly every American. But one of Newsweek‘s cover articles in 2009
exclaimed, ―We Are All Socialists Now.‖
It seemed that no one expected the great economic collapse. Where did that money go?
At the beginning of the unexpected crisis, major unknown investors harvested huge profits from
the stock market. Was it a coincidence that so many of the super-rich decided to cash out at the
same time? Now they have the funds that we lost! And when the time is right, they will buy back
the properties and the stocks that have plummeted in value. The very rich will be richer still, and
the majority of middle class people will be reduced to lower income status. Socialism is not a
true ―share the wealth‖ program. It has an extremely wealthy ―elite‖ at the top that controls the
government and the economy.
Whether or not America will resist this ―fall‖ remains to be seen. But political analysts
have warned that democracies are in danger once the majority of the people realize that they can
use their vote to provide government benefits to themselves.
Europe has, for the most part, already adopted a form of socialism. Russia and China are
socialist, and the global economic crisis is the perfect opportunity for greater government
intervention to institute socialism everywhere. Now it doesn’t take much imagination to
understand how this collapse could lead us into a one-world government state of mind.
The venerable Henry Kissinger said that the global economic crisis has weakened the
United States’ position of leadership, but it also provides an opportunity for building new
international relationships. He also warned that the alternative to a new international order is
Britain‘s former Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, warned the nation not to retreat from
globalism in the face of the crisis. He said, ―We could view the threats and challenges we face
today as the difficult birth-pangs of a new global order — and our task now as nothing less than
making the transition through a new internationalism to the benefits of an expanding global
Speaking in Prague, Barack Obama said, “All nations must come together to build a
stronger, global regime.”48
Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told an international gathering in Moscow that a
new world order is needed to deal with the many challenges arising in the international political
arena. He said, “Western-style capitalism is falling apart, marking the end of the age of
A report published by The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development said
that the U.S. dollar should be replaced as the world‘s standard reserve currency. This world
currency would be managed by an as-yet undetermined financial regulatory organization.
The total debt in America (Federal, municipal, corporate, real estate & consumer debt) in
1980 was about $2 1/2 Trillion. Presently it is over $13 Trillion! We have a collapsing economy
that is not capable of repaying that debt! This indebtedness exceeds the total real estate and
corporate equities of the entire country! We’re insolvent. We owe Chinese and European
bankers. Worst of all, some financial experts warn that this situation will hasten our slide into
Other countries are in the same mess! What can we do now? Some are saying we will
have hyper inflation- printing more and more money to pay old debts. This is what ruined the
economy of Germany before World War II. The effect of this is that people’s hard-earned savings
will become practically useless. In Germany people had to take a wheelbarrow full of money to
the store just to buy a few groceries.
Everything considered, it is fair to say that the world in which we live has been fully
prepared for an economic messiah who could take financial control of a desperate situation.
Furthermore, the philosophies and organizations are in place for both a one-world government
and a one-world religious system.
But before this false Christ is revealed, the Church must be taken away by the rapture.
We will now turn our attention to that great event.